How do I redeem my SSP Kit licence to access the daily reviews and digital content?
Your Integrated SSP Kit includes online access to daily Reviews for interactive whiteboards or screens, as well as printable versions of the game and activities in this manual, plus additional demonstration Videos.
To redeem your licence go to and click on the 'Redeem Licence' ButtonFew readersCan I purchase Daily Reviews and/or the manuals (individual parts) of the Integrated SSP kita separately?
The listings on the website communicate this in RED TEXT:
The only way to purFew readersWhen will the Year 2-6 Integrated SSP Kits be available to purchase?
The upgrade version is available here:
Specifically the list below outlines the availability of the other kits:
Year 1 - The conclusion of Term 2 2024.
Year 2 – The conclusion of Term 3 2024.Few readersHow can I view the Integrated SSP Kit Manual through the PLD website?
On each program listing page you will find a ‘PREVIEW BOOK’ button, allowing you to view the current editions and compare the existing programs in your school to the upgraded programs.
Term 2 examples can be viewed in this video.
The website listing for the Foundation SSP Kit is available here:
The Year 1 SSP Kits will be available at the end of Term 1 (2024).Few readersIs it necessary to upgrade from ‘Starter Packs’ to the Integrated SSP Kits if we already have Starter Packs?
In short, no. Many schools will continue to achieve substantial literacy outcomes purely on the basis of implementing the Starter Packs. Teachers planning from various PLD programs find their knowledge of testing procedures, phonic sequence and implementation become more automated over time and with practice. Once confident, schools may consider upgrading from the Starter Packs to the Integrated SSP Kits, to further enhance the quality of the teaching and learning experience in their classrooms.Few readersAre there any offers to upgrade from a Starter Pack to the Integrated SSP Kits?
Yes. An upgrade from the Starter Pack to the Integrated SSP Kit is available with reduction in cost, incorporating elements from the Starter Packs. This offer, exclusive to online purchases, is accessible for six months for schools that have previously acquired ‘Foundation Essential’ or ‘Ultimate Starter Packs’. The upgrade price deducts the cost of items included in both the Starter Packs and Integrated SSP Kits. For instance:
Foundation Starter Pack Upgrade: Includes Alphabet the Multi SensoFew readersHow do I transfer a activated SSP Kit serial number to another user?
Login to the PLD website account where you would like to transfer the kit. If the account does not exist yet, create one on our website and then login.
Navigate to, enter the license code and you will receive a transfer window
Click transfer to the new user.
( readersCan I print the digital version of the SSP Kit Manual?
Your Integrated SSP Kit includes online access to daily Reviews for interactive whiteboards or screens. In addition, you have access to print the Screening pages and Daily reviews, including games and activities in the Manual.
Check out all of our FAQ on the SSP Kits here.Few readersSSP Integrated Kits: Can they be shared across classrooms? Can they be used by multiple classes?
frequentlyThe components in the Integrated SSP Kit cannot be separated. Each kit is available for sale as one integrated kit only (no Daily Reviews etc can be purchased separately) and each kit is designed for a single-classroom kit only. Kits cannot be shared across classrooms.
The PLD office is frequently asked if multiple classrooms can use digital resources?
In short 'no'.
The kits are designed for a single classroom.
In the case where there are team teachers (and part-time staff) wFew readersHow does the Early Years SSP Kit differ to the Foundation, Year 1 & Year 2 SSP Kits?
The school format for Foundation, Year 1 and 2. These kits function differently from the Early Years Kit. The Year 3-6 kits will also function in a similar way to the Foundation to Year 2 kits, in that they are integrated and include:
Whole class screen display teaching resources and Daily Reviews
Digital and hard copy resources for the Volume 1 and Volume 2 manuFew readersWhy do the SSP Kits only supply the flip books in hard copy? We would like the eBook versions?
PLD's SSP Kits are available for the Junior Primary Years.
Foundation Kit
Year 1 Kit
Year 2 Kit
We often receive requests for the flip books to be available as eBooks within the kits, even though the website listing clearly states this:
Hard Copy Flip Books only in SSP Kits (https://storage.Few readersCan buy the SSP Integrated kit manual sand digital access without buying the full kit? ?
Unfortunately, the digital materials and PPT/screen displays are not sold separately.
Also, by requesting the manuals and the digital resources, these are the highest value items in the whole kit. Requesting these core high-value items separately is not possible.
Yes, this is a common request, and on the surface, it looks like the screen display materials would easily work in with the programs the school has, it isn't as straightforward as that. Teachers would need the full manuals and thFew readers