What changes have been made to newer editions? Also what programs do we require?
Did you know that you can open our books online? By using the "Preview Book" feature you can compare the books you have in the school with the latest versions available online?

For example:
*First Writing Activities - here is the link, then select PREVIEW BOOK to view a computer version of the book: https://pld-literacy.org/product/first-writing-tasks-for-the-early-childhood-years-2/
The Teaching Sequence for Foundation heavily references this book, and dictated sentences at a CVC, but also at a Target 2 and 3 level. https://pld-literacy.org/product/foundation-teaching-sequence-manual/ You may wish to update if you find the Foundation teachers are using an older version that is not in line with the Teaching Sequence Manual.
The Phonic Sight Word Sequence here is the link, then select PREVIEW BOOK to view a computer version of the book: https://pld-literacy.org/product/phonic-and-sight-word-sequence/
Older versions of the Phonic Sight Word Sequence are still very usable and so you may not be essential to update.
PLD is running a special discount on older Phonic Dictation books, at a reduced cost of 50% off. https://pld-literacy.org/phonic-dictation-trade-in/

What programs do we require?
At a minimum, we recommend that schools invest in the 'essentials' for each classroom implementing PLD. This means, a starter pack for each classroom.
Here is where you can cross-check if the classrooms have the programs required for strong implementation of PLD. https://pld-literacy.org/pld-program-starter-packs-for-your-classroom/

For example:
*First Writing Activities - here is the link, then select PREVIEW BOOK to view a computer version of the book: https://pld-literacy.org/product/first-writing-tasks-for-the-early-childhood-years-2/
The Teaching Sequence for Foundation heavily references this book, and dictated sentences at a CVC, but also at a Target 2 and 3 level. https://pld-literacy.org/product/foundation-teaching-sequence-manual/ You may wish to update if you find the Foundation teachers are using an older version that is not in line with the Teaching Sequence Manual.
The Phonic Sight Word Sequence here is the link, then select PREVIEW BOOK to view a computer version of the book: https://pld-literacy.org/product/phonic-and-sight-word-sequence/
Older versions of the Phonic Sight Word Sequence are still very usable and so you may not be essential to update.
PLD is running a special discount on older Phonic Dictation books, at a reduced cost of 50% off. https://pld-literacy.org/phonic-dictation-trade-in/

What programs do we require?
At a minimum, we recommend that schools invest in the 'essentials' for each classroom implementing PLD. This means, a starter pack for each classroom.
Here is where you can cross-check if the classrooms have the programs required for strong implementation of PLD. https://pld-literacy.org/pld-program-starter-packs-for-your-classroom/
Updated on: 16/06/2022
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