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Copyright policy for PLD books, eBooks, School Licence and Downloadable resources


How PLD’s Books CAN be used

Under the 'Statutory Education Licence' the Authorised Purchaser is permitted to:
View the Book as a whole or in part.
Present or display the book to students within the Authorised Purchaser’s classroom.
Photocopy or print up to 10% of the Book per year.
Copy and share text and images (e.g. snip a phonic word list word or dictation passage for usage in a lesson plan or presentation), provided this is done solely for educational purposes and the Authorised Purchaser is covered by a ‘remuneration notice’ (learn more) and the new content is not shared with anyone outside the Authorised Purchaser’s classroom in any way.

How PLD’s Books CAN NOT be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised Purchaser is NOT permitted to:
Modify PLD’s Books in any way, other than those mentioned above.
Create duplicate copies for the purposes of sharing access with someone other than the Authorised Purchaser.
Copy more than 10% of the Book within the period of 1 year.
Incorporate any of PLD’s intellectual property into another resource without written approval from PLD.
Save a replicated copy greater than 10% of the book or elements of the book (e.g. a PowerPoint presentation containing snipped elements) onto a shared drive, intranet, portal or other networked site.


If you are a teacher

All eBooks will be stamped with the name and email address of the ‘Authorised Purchaser’. The ‘Authorised Purchaser’ is the only person authorised to use the purchased eBook.

If you are a school

Purchasing an eBook grants you a single-user licence which is only to be used by an individual user. You may transfer this licence to an individual teacher, however making this eBook available to more than 1 person (e.g. sharing with multiple staff or making it available on a shared drive, intranet, portal or other networked site) is a breach of Australian Copyright laws.

RECOMMENDATION: If you would like to provide multiple staff with access to resources, we strongly suggest purchasing a School Licence. These have been created specifically to allow schools to share access to resources with all relevant staff, while also ensuring that resources don’t get damaged, lost (or taken when a staff member leaves) and can be accessed across all electronic devices. Plus, there is no need to update old resources because the latest version is always accessible. You can read more about School Licences here.

How PLD’s eBooks CAN be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised Purchaser is permitted to:
View the eBook as a whole or in part.
Copy the eBook to a personal computing or storage device.
Display the eBook on an Interactive Whiteboard, projector or smart TV.
Photocopy or print up to 10% of the eBook per year.
Copy and share text and images (e.g. snip a word or dictation passage for usage in a lesson plan or presentation), provided this is done solely for educational purposes and the Authorised Purchaser is covered by a ‘remuneration notice’ (learn more) and the new content is not shared with anyone outside the Authorised Purchaser’s classroom in any way.

How PLD’s eBooks CAN NOT be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised Purchaser is NOT permitted to:
Modify PLD’s eBooks in any way, other than those mentioned above.
Create duplicate copies for the purposes of sharing access with someone other than the Authorised Purchaser.
Copy more than 10% of the eBook within the period of 1 year.
Incorporate any of PLD’s intellectual property into another resource without written approval from PLD.
Save a replicated copy greater than 10% of the eBook or elements of the book (e.g. a PowerPoint presentation containing snipped elements) onto a shared drive, intranet, portal or other networked site.

Note: eBook usage may be tracked and breaching any of the above-mentioned items may result in legal action being taken.

School Licence resources

Resources for which a School Licence has been purchased are allowed to be shared with all employees who are employed by the ‘Authorised School’ (Authorised School refers to the school who purchased the School Licence). Sharing access with anyone not employed by the ‘Authorised School’ is a breach of Australian Copyright laws and may result in prosecution.

How PLD’s School Licence resources CAN be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised School is permitted to:
View the School Licence resource as a whole or in part.
Display the School Licence on an Interactive Whiteboard, projector or smart TV.
Print up to 10% of the School Licence resource per year.
Copy and share text and images (e.g. snip a word or dictation passage for usage in a lesson plan or presentation), provided this is done solely for educational purposes and the Authorised Purchaser is covered by a ‘remuneration notice’ (learn more) and the new content is not shared with anyone outside the Authorised Purchaser’s classroom in any way.

How PLD’s School Licence resources CAN NOT be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised School is NOT permitted to:
Modify PLD’s School Licence resource in any way, other than those mentioned above.
Duplicate, copy, download or otherwise replicate the School Licence resource.
Copy or print more than 10% of the School Licence resource within the period of 1 year.
Incorporate any of PLD’s intellectual property into another resource without written approval from PLD.
Save a replicated copy greater than 10% of the School Licence resource or elements of it (e.g. a PowerPoint presentation containing snipped elements) onto a shared drive, intranet, portal or other networked site.
Share the School Licence resource with or provide access to the School Licence resource to someone who is not employed by the Authorised School.

Note: School Licence usage may be tracked and breaching any of the above-mentioned items may result in legal action being taken.

Downloadable resources and screening tools

PLD’s offers a range of downloadable resources and screening tools are available for download via

How PLD’s downloadable resources and screening tools CAN be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised School is permitted to:
View and download the resource as a whole or in part.
Display the resource on an Interactive Whiteboard, projector or smart TV.
Print or photocopy an unlimited number of the resources per year.
Share printed or electronic copies of the resources with other people, providing the resources are shared in their entirety and are not modified in any way.
Copy and share text and images (e.g. snip a word or dictation passage for usage in a lesson plan or presentation), provided this is done solely for educational purposes and the Authorised Purchaser is covered by a ‘remuneration notice’ (learn more) and the new content is not shared with anyone outside the Authorised Purchaser’s classroom in any way.

How PLD’s downloadable resources and screening tools CAN NOT be used

Under the ‘Statutory Education Licence’ the Authorised School is NOT permitted to:
Modify the resource in any way, other than those mentioned above.
Incorporate any of PLD’s intellectual property into another resource without written approval from PLD.
Save the downloadable resource onto a shared drive, intranet, portal or other networked site.

Note: Downloadable resource and screening tool usage may be tracked and breaching any of the above-mentioned items may result in legal action being taken.

Updated on: 16/10/2024

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