What Are the 2024 Updates to the Online Courses?
With all of the updates currently happening, will PLD be offering updated training videos for schools?
PLD is currently in the process of updating the online courses to reflect the updates that have occured wthin the Teaching Sequence Manuals and The Screening and Tracking Manuals.
Refilming the online courses began at the end of Term 3, 2023.
The Years 1&2 and Years 3-6 online courses will be available mid Term 4, 2023.
The Foundation online course will be filmed in Term 4 and you can expect it to be ready for the 2024 school year.

What will be different in the new online courses?
The courses will be slightly longer and more closely align with the in-person seminars.
Oral language has been added into each of the courses.
Purchasing online courses:
For new schools, the initial classroom/school set-up includes the online PL to get teachers set-up and running with PLD.
For existing schools, additional training for new staff or teachers moving year levels will need to purchase additional access codes.
75% discount is only given with starter packs when purchasing for new classesd. After this point, please consider purchasing bulk user access codes.

PLD is currently in the process of updating the online courses to reflect the updates that have occured wthin the Teaching Sequence Manuals and The Screening and Tracking Manuals.
Refilming the online courses began at the end of Term 3, 2023.
The Years 1&2 and Years 3-6 online courses will be available mid Term 4, 2023.
The Foundation online course will be filmed in Term 4 and you can expect it to be ready for the 2024 school year.

What will be different in the new online courses?
The courses will be slightly longer and more closely align with the in-person seminars.
Oral language has been added into each of the courses.
Purchasing online courses:
For new schools, the initial classroom/school set-up includes the online PL to get teachers set-up and running with PLD.
For existing schools, additional training for new staff or teachers moving year levels will need to purchase additional access codes.
75% discount is only given with starter packs when purchasing for new classesd. After this point, please consider purchasing bulk user access codes.

Updated on: 13/09/2023
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