Articles on: Literacy

When is the best time (or ideal time) to submit tracking sheets for support?

To ensure the best implementation of Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP), it is essential to use the tracking sheets with fidelity and to organise your class data within set timeframes. To ensure effective and timely support through our office, we recommend submitting your tracking sheets at key points throughout the year.

When to complete testing AND submit tracking sheets for support?

Spelling Placement Screens should be conducted at the beginning of the school year (ideally Term 1, Week 1) and at the end of Terms 1, 2 and 3 to establish targeted teaching groups for the following term. Therefore:

Year 1 - Year 6 Classes: Tracking Sheets should be submitted in either Week 10 of each term, during the school holidays, or in Week 1 of the new term.

Early Years & Foundation Classes: Tracking Sheets should be submitted in either Week 6 or 7 of each term.

Please note: Outside of these timeframes, it can be challenging to adjust groupings. Teachers will already have established their teaching groups for the term and are less likely to change groups partway through.

We strongly recommend watching our tutorial videos, including Tip 4 - Effective Utilisation of the PLD Tracking Sheets, which outlines how to make the most of this resource. By understanding the complete process, you will save time when preparing for classes, administering screens, and entering results into the spreadsheets.

Updated on: 18/03/2025

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