Articles on: Literacy

What end of Term 2 screening is to be scheduled?

Many schools have expressed that the COVID-19 disruption in semester one made it difficult to maintain the PLD testing and reporting of class profiles. As most states are starting to return to 'relative-normal' schools seem to be in a better position in semester 2 to invest in school improvement.

Early Years present Subtest 2: Verbalisation of Initial Phonemes in the Early Years Pre-Literacy Screen. This Subtest takes approximately 1 minute per child and indicates if students are ready for alphabet and phonemic blending learning scheduled in semester two. 

Foundation The majority of students should be starting to read and spell (at least at a CVC level). Early reading is assessed by Exercise 1 and 2 in the Foundation - Early Reading Profile and early spelling in the initial section of Phonic Sight Word Sequence Placement Test. However, as students are still at a pre-CVC level, their skill development is tracked using the Foundation Pre-Literacy Screen

Year 1 & 2 present the end of Term 2 placement test. Don't forget, that the Year 1 students (and only those in Year 2 that require it) still require decodable reading books and the presentation of the Year 1 & 2 Early Reading Profile.

Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 present the end of Term 2 placement test.

Don't forget to enter your results on the PLD tracking sheets. If you have any questions regarding PLD's screening or tracking process, get in touch with us through the chat icon in the bottom right of this page.

Updated on: 01/07/2020

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