What Books are Required in Upper Primary for Classes with Students Working Across Multiple Stages
In all schools, there will be range in student abilities within each classroom. Over time throughout the implementation of PLD, the spread or range of ability should be reduced, as particularly the Tier 2 and 3 students progress in their skills and operate closer to the Tier 1, age-appropriate students.
In the meantime what should schools do?
Suggestion 1: Commence with the starter packs for each year level and follow the teaching sequenced outlined in the Teaching Sequence Manual (at least one group will be following the suggested year level teaching sequence)
Suggestion 2: In each starter pack the Phonic Sight Word Sequence contains words from Stages 1-6 which can be used to create word lists for students across a range of abilities. Teaching tips to cater for the range in abilities can be found in the Teaching Sequence Manual (pg. 7-8). Finding common errors across students is recommended for those operating significantly below their peers. The Phonic Concept Checklists found in the Teaching Sequence Manual (pg. 9 & 16) can be useful for identifying common errors among groups of students.

Suggestion 3: In classes, such as Year 5 and 6, it is unrealistic for these classroom teachers to have the full range of PLD books (unless the school has purchased a school licence). Therefore, it is recommended that schools purchase 1-2 sets of the high-demand Stages e.g., Stages 1-3 or 1-4 books for these particular classes. Examples of high demand books are: the Structure Synthetic Phonics time-Savers Stage 1-6 set and Phonic Dictation full set.

Suggestion 4: For older struggling readers working in Stage 1 or 2 the Catch-Up Phonic Dictation books may be more appropriate than the texts found in the regular series of phonic dictation passages. It is highly likely these students will require more opportunities to read and spell each phonic concept taught. Therefore, age-appropriate decodable texts for older struggling readers can also be used to consolidate their skills.

In the meantime what should schools do?
Suggestion 1: Commence with the starter packs for each year level and follow the teaching sequenced outlined in the Teaching Sequence Manual (at least one group will be following the suggested year level teaching sequence)
Suggestion 2: In each starter pack the Phonic Sight Word Sequence contains words from Stages 1-6 which can be used to create word lists for students across a range of abilities. Teaching tips to cater for the range in abilities can be found in the Teaching Sequence Manual (pg. 7-8). Finding common errors across students is recommended for those operating significantly below their peers. The Phonic Concept Checklists found in the Teaching Sequence Manual (pg. 9 & 16) can be useful for identifying common errors among groups of students.

Suggestion 3: In classes, such as Year 5 and 6, it is unrealistic for these classroom teachers to have the full range of PLD books (unless the school has purchased a school licence). Therefore, it is recommended that schools purchase 1-2 sets of the high-demand Stages e.g., Stages 1-3 or 1-4 books for these particular classes. Examples of high demand books are: the Structure Synthetic Phonics time-Savers Stage 1-6 set and Phonic Dictation full set.

Suggestion 4: For older struggling readers working in Stage 1 or 2 the Catch-Up Phonic Dictation books may be more appropriate than the texts found in the regular series of phonic dictation passages. It is highly likely these students will require more opportunities to read and spell each phonic concept taught. Therefore, age-appropriate decodable texts for older struggling readers can also be used to consolidate their skills.

Updated on: 16/11/2023
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