How does PLD fit into Tier 1, Tier 2 & Tier 3 implementation
The Australian Federation of SPELD Associations (Auspeld) represents all state and territory SPELD Associations. PLD has a positive working relationship with SPELD’s in various states.
AUSPELD provides recommendations on evidence-based programs that are backed by current research, linked to improved academic results and supported by independent reviews of the effectiveness of the program. This allows schools to make informed choices on the programs they implement and thereby preventing the number of students with a dyslexia diagnosis.
Three-Tier Approach
AUSPELD applies the three-tier approach to implementing Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) in schools. This is explained in the graphic below:

In 2019, the Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation compared PLD with other evidence-based SSP programs within the publication The Bulletin. An updated comparison of high-quality evidence-based SSP programs which facilitate Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction was published in The Bulletin in January 2022 and again in November 2022. AUSPELD recommends PLD’s literacy range as it utilises a systematic sequence of teaching synthetic phonics and includes phoneme-grapheme teaching, reading and writing (dictation) activities and the introduction of high-frequency, phonetically irregular words.
This ARTICLE states that PLD is a recommended Tier 1, 2 and 3 program. At the base of the article, a key message states:
PLD & Tier 3
When working with Tier 3 students, those who are significantly below their age-matched peers, (and for whom specialised services and diagnoses may be reqiored) PLD can be used successfully. However, it is important to note that teachers, educational assistants and other support staff MUST have a clear understanding of the PLD foundation skills (pre-literacy), as well as the importance of oral language development to support this.
The Australian Federation of SPELD Associations (Auspeld) represents all state and territory SPELD Associations. PLD has a positive working relationship with SPELD’s in various states.
AUSPELD provides recommendations on evidence-based programs that are backed by current research, linked to improved academic results and supported by independent reviews of the effectiveness of the program. This allows schools to make informed choices on the programs they implement and thereby preventing the number of students with a dyslexia diagnosis.
Many SPELD’s have a full collection of the PLD programs in their libraries and PLD also collaborates annually with workshop presentations throughout Australia.
Three-Tier Approach
AUSPELD applies the three-tier approach to implementing Structured Synthetic Phonics (SSP) in schools. This is explained in the graphic below:

In 2019, the Dyslexia-SPELD Foundation compared PLD with other evidence-based SSP programs within the publication The Bulletin. An updated comparison of high-quality evidence-based SSP programs which facilitate Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction was published in The Bulletin in January 2022 and again in November 2022. AUSPELD recommends PLD’s literacy range as it utilises a systematic sequence of teaching synthetic phonics and includes phoneme-grapheme teaching, reading and writing (dictation) activities and the introduction of high-frequency, phonetically irregular words.
This ARTICLE states that PLD is a recommended Tier 1, 2 and 3 program. At the base of the article, a key message states:
The fundamental difference between the range of high-quality phonics programs currently available is not significant. Rather the factors that are likely to influence the success of a program include the amount of quality training provided to the teaching staff, the time dedicated to the delivery of content, the resourcing and ongoing support available to the teachers, and the fidelity of the program delivery.
PLD & Tier 3
PLD is strongest in the realm of Tier 1 and Tier 2 (the key the difference is added intensity and repetition).
When working with Tier 3 students, those who are significantly below their age-matched peers, (and for whom specialised services and diagnoses may be reqiored) PLD can be used successfully. However, it is important to note that teachers, educational assistants and other support staff MUST have a clear understanding of the PLD foundation skills (pre-literacy), as well as the importance of oral language development to support this.
Updated on: 14/12/2022
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