Does the Early Reading Screen Profile screen for automatic word reading and fluency?
The Early Reading Screen does not screen for fluency. It reflects on two areas of early reading:
Accuracy - can the child 'crack the code' and verbalise the words.
Automaticity - can the child read in a manner that is automatic (hence with reduced sounding and ultimately predominately whole word, with some fall back decoding, if unsure)

Here is a recmmended video that demonstrates automaticity emerging The Early Decoding and Emergence of Fluency:
What is fluency?
Reading fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression. From Year 1, students' reading fluency can be ascertained by calculating the words correct per minute as is explained on Page 20 of the Year 1 & 2 Screening & Tracking Manual. Or by using the Phonic Dictation Passages available Phonic Dictation – Stage 1
The average rates for reading age-appropriate material with few or no errors (Konza, 2011):
By the end of Year 1 – 60 words correct per minute
By the end of Year 2 – 90/100 words correct per minute
In Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 – 110-120 words correct per minute
This video explains how fluency is ascertained using the above assessments Words Read Correct Per Minute – An Insight Into Fluency
How can we screen for fluency?
Repeated Reading (RR) has a role to play in the very early stages of literacy acquisition, as with each additional reading the student relies less on decoding and can practice reading with greater fluency at a whole word level.
Continuous reading (CR) also called wide reading, requires a student to read continuously for a specified time, however, each session utilises a different passage or reading book.
You can read more about repeated and continuous reading here.
The key factor in improving reading fluency is the amount of reading a student does. This relates to both the amount of time students spend reading and the amount of text they read.

Accuracy - can the child 'crack the code' and verbalise the words.
Automaticity - can the child read in a manner that is automatic (hence with reduced sounding and ultimately predominately whole word, with some fall back decoding, if unsure)

Here is a recmmended video that demonstrates automaticity emerging The Early Decoding and Emergence of Fluency:
What is fluency?
Reading fluency is the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and expression. From Year 1, students' reading fluency can be ascertained by calculating the words correct per minute as is explained on Page 20 of the Year 1 & 2 Screening & Tracking Manual. Or by using the Phonic Dictation Passages available Phonic Dictation – Stage 1
The average rates for reading age-appropriate material with few or no errors (Konza, 2011):
By the end of Year 1 – 60 words correct per minute
By the end of Year 2 – 90/100 words correct per minute
In Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 – 110-120 words correct per minute
This video explains how fluency is ascertained using the above assessments Words Read Correct Per Minute – An Insight Into Fluency
How can we screen for fluency?
Repeated Reading (RR) has a role to play in the very early stages of literacy acquisition, as with each additional reading the student relies less on decoding and can practice reading with greater fluency at a whole word level.
Continuous reading (CR) also called wide reading, requires a student to read continuously for a specified time, however, each session utilises a different passage or reading book.
You can read more about repeated and continuous reading here.
The key factor in improving reading fluency is the amount of reading a student does. This relates to both the amount of time students spend reading and the amount of text they read.

Updated on: 05/02/2024
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