Data Walls? Does PLD recommend the use and time put into 'data walls'?
What is a data wall? A data wall is a means of visualising student achievement over time on a physical wall.
PLD does not advocate for the use of a data wall as the use of the PLD Tracking Sheets alreadsy facilittaes termly data on each student & classroom.
Suggestion 1: Using the PLD Tracking Sheets in fidelity will be a time-saving way to keep abreast of student's progress over the school year and throughout their time in the PLD program.
On the Tracking Sheets, the student's abilities are explicitly detailed each term, and can be used to monitor student growth throughout the year instead of having to create a data wall in addition to this.
Suggestion 2: When using the PLD Tracking Sheets, consider the 'Tiers of Intervention'.
Each class will have THREE targeted groups of instrction. We can think of these groups as your three Tiers, as described below:
Tier 1: 70% - aligned (or ahead) of the Teaching Sequence Manuals
Tier 2: 20% - delayed marginally and requiring increased intensity and frequency
Tier 3: 10% - slipping behind the class levels. It is highly probable that studen'ts in this Tier will have a background or diagnosis that attributes to their learning difficulty. Please remember to add this to your tracking sheets!

Suggestion 3: The UK Phonics Check will provide an additional insight into Student growth.
It is suggested that the following results from the screening will help identify your three Tiers and check-in on student achievements:
Tier 1: 70% scoring 28 or above.
Tier 2: 20% scoring 20-27
Tier 3: 10% 19 or below
More information about the UK Phonics Check in our Blog 'Preparing for the UK Phonics Screening Check' here.

PLD does not advocate for the use of a data wall as the use of the PLD Tracking Sheets alreadsy facilittaes termly data on each student & classroom.
Suggestion 1: Using the PLD Tracking Sheets in fidelity will be a time-saving way to keep abreast of student's progress over the school year and throughout their time in the PLD program.
On the Tracking Sheets, the student's abilities are explicitly detailed each term, and can be used to monitor student growth throughout the year instead of having to create a data wall in addition to this.
Suggestion 2: When using the PLD Tracking Sheets, consider the 'Tiers of Intervention'.
Each class will have THREE targeted groups of instrction. We can think of these groups as your three Tiers, as described below:
Tier 1: 70% - aligned (or ahead) of the Teaching Sequence Manuals
Tier 2: 20% - delayed marginally and requiring increased intensity and frequency
Tier 3: 10% - slipping behind the class levels. It is highly probable that studen'ts in this Tier will have a background or diagnosis that attributes to their learning difficulty. Please remember to add this to your tracking sheets!

Suggestion 3: The UK Phonics Check will provide an additional insight into Student growth.
It is suggested that the following results from the screening will help identify your three Tiers and check-in on student achievements:
Tier 1: 70% scoring 28 or above.
Tier 2: 20% scoring 20-27
Tier 3: 10% 19 or below
More information about the UK Phonics Check in our Blog 'Preparing for the UK Phonics Screening Check' here.

Updated on: 27/03/2023
Thank you!