Could You Please Advise of the Benefits of Sending End of Term Data to You?
PLD places a significant focus on the scheduling of termly testing/placement tests but more importantly, the processing of the test results and the range in ability into a targeted teaching plan for the term ahead.
Teachers usually find time to schedule and administer the tests at the appropriate times, and enter the % scores into the tracking sheets.
What they struggle with, is establishing 3 targeted teaching groups and a teaching plan for the term ahead.
PLD provides support videos for each year level instructing how to complete the process (which sometimes are not even viewed by teachers).

Sending through the school's testing results is a way to:
Get feedback on the process that is underway.
Get feedback on what teachers need to do, once the placement tests are scheduled (i.e. teach to the data).
Have additional questions answered (in the context of their class profile).
In our experience, MOST schools benefit from support. But with the sharing of the test results and the progress/class profile from term 1 to term 2, 3 and 4, specific discussions can be facilitated.
Book your FREE Tracking Sheet Support with one of our School Support Coordinators from PLD's homepage on the website now.

Teachers usually find time to schedule and administer the tests at the appropriate times, and enter the % scores into the tracking sheets.
What they struggle with, is establishing 3 targeted teaching groups and a teaching plan for the term ahead.
PLD provides support videos for each year level instructing how to complete the process (which sometimes are not even viewed by teachers).

Sending through the school's testing results is a way to:
Get feedback on the process that is underway.
Get feedback on what teachers need to do, once the placement tests are scheduled (i.e. teach to the data).
Have additional questions answered (in the context of their class profile).
In our experience, MOST schools benefit from support. But with the sharing of the test results and the progress/class profile from term 1 to term 2, 3 and 4, specific discussions can be facilitated.
Book your FREE Tracking Sheet Support with one of our School Support Coordinators from PLD's homepage on the website now.

Updated on: 15/05/2023
Thank you!