Composite or Combined Foundation / Year 1 Classes and the Combined PLD Tracking Sheets
For teachers who have Foundation/Year 1 composite class, your tracking sheets are a little bit different.
The differences
The goal of the combined sheets is to make tracking easier for these teachers. However, this does mean the recording of screening results is a little different.
You can see that the Foundation/Year 1 tracking sheet does not have the columns to record both mid-term and end-of- term assessment.
Here are the headings for the Term 1 Tracking Sheets:

How do I assess Foundation in a composite class?
Week 1 of Term 1 Year 1 classes will be provided with the spelling placement test, but for the Foundation students, they are not screened until week 6.
However, from the week Week 10 assessments, both year levels can be assessed simultaneously.
For the Foundation students, it is still recommended that teachers would still be expected to assess in Week 6 of Term 2 (but this information would not need to be added to the tracking sheets).
Note: In from week 10 in Terms 1, 2 and 3 the Foundation & Year 1 students can be assessed on the same schedule.
Updated on: 02/03/2023
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