Catering For Students Who Continue To Make Ongoing Errors
Many students will not score 100% at the stages underneath their level of operation. They will still continue to make a few errors here and there. Not enough errors to hold them back a stage, but the errors will still be evident and are far from ideal.
It is recommended that you book 'Tracking Sheet Support' from the website homepage. Here, you can upload your tracking sheets and request assistance from PLD's School Support Coordinators, who will talk through options for growth and movement with your students specifically.
Without seeing the spreadsheets, and without being able to discuss individual students to determine how many errors they are continuing to make:
Option 1: These students need to be encouraged to edit their work. They will make errors, but when directed to go back and review their writing or their spelling, they likely should be able to identify and correct errors. If further editing skill development is required each of the Phonic Dictation passages has Task 4 devoted to this skill (i.e. identify and correct the errors within PLD's stages 1-6).

Option 2: Repeated Reading of phonic dictation passages, to become visually familiar with the target phonic concepts. You can read more on this here: Two Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Reading Fluency.

Option 3: If the errors exist within Stage 1, PLD offers a range of inexpensive apps

Lastly, it is common that this pattern is not evident within the Tier 1 students, but within the Tier 2 and 3 students. This graphic outlines a range of potential options to address this issue.

It is recommended that you book 'Tracking Sheet Support' from the website homepage. Here, you can upload your tracking sheets and request assistance from PLD's School Support Coordinators, who will talk through options for growth and movement with your students specifically.
Without seeing the spreadsheets, and without being able to discuss individual students to determine how many errors they are continuing to make:
Option 1: These students need to be encouraged to edit their work. They will make errors, but when directed to go back and review their writing or their spelling, they likely should be able to identify and correct errors. If further editing skill development is required each of the Phonic Dictation passages has Task 4 devoted to this skill (i.e. identify and correct the errors within PLD's stages 1-6).

Option 2: Repeated Reading of phonic dictation passages, to become visually familiar with the target phonic concepts. You can read more on this here: Two Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Reading Fluency.

Option 3: If the errors exist within Stage 1, PLD offers a range of inexpensive apps

Lastly, it is common that this pattern is not evident within the Tier 1 students, but within the Tier 2 and 3 students. This graphic outlines a range of potential options to address this issue.

Updated on: 17/05/2023
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