Can you recommend a speech pathologist and appropriate PLD programs for my child?
The link that follows provides a search process to start to locate a service and a therapist that suits your family and child's needs: Speech Pathology Australia: Find a Speech Pathologist

Some accompanying suggestions:
Tip 1: Consider a local service, particularly if you require a longer term service. However, travelling for a high quality service may also be something to consider, particularly if you are connecting into a provider who specialises in an area and who is able to facilitate significant gains.
Tip 2: Seek an experienced speech pathologist. If a child is particularly complex, it is often beneficial to access the services from a speech pathologist who specialises in your child's needs. Remember when selecting a service to enquire what the service or the therapist specialists in.
Tip 3: Private vs public services? Particularly if the child's needs are complex, it can be ebenficial to maximise the therapy and access services from both the public and the private system. It may be appropriate to access an ENHANCED PRIMARY CARE PLAN (EPC).
What is an Enhanced Primary Care Plan?
The enhanced primary care (EPC) program provides medicare rebates for allied health services, for people who have a chronic medical condition. You may be eligible to claim a rebate through medicare for these services if you have a chronic condition that is being managed by your GP under an Enhanced Primary Care Plan. A chronic medical condition is one that has been or will be present for at least 6 months. The EPC provides a maximum of 5 total rebates per calendar year for all Allied Health services. This means that if you are accessing more than one Allied Health service, you are entitled to 5 rebates across all of the services combined, not 5 rebates per service.
How do I access the Enhanced Primary Care Plan?
Your GP will decide if you are eligible for these services and will refer you where appropriate. For further information, please contact your GP.
Tip 4: Ask the Speech Pathologist or the School which of the PLD programs are relevant to you child's needs. Once children are within primary schools and are being presented with a literacy program, there are many PLD programs that children will benefit from. Without knowing specific information on the child's development and needs, it is difficult to suggest which programs are appropriate. Once seeing a speech pathologist, suggestions from the PLD range can be made direct from that speech pathologist.

Some accompanying suggestions:
Tip 1: Consider a local service, particularly if you require a longer term service. However, travelling for a high quality service may also be something to consider, particularly if you are connecting into a provider who specialises in an area and who is able to facilitate significant gains.
Tip 2: Seek an experienced speech pathologist. If a child is particularly complex, it is often beneficial to access the services from a speech pathologist who specialises in your child's needs. Remember when selecting a service to enquire what the service or the therapist specialists in.
Tip 3: Private vs public services? Particularly if the child's needs are complex, it can be ebenficial to maximise the therapy and access services from both the public and the private system. It may be appropriate to access an ENHANCED PRIMARY CARE PLAN (EPC).
What is an Enhanced Primary Care Plan?
The enhanced primary care (EPC) program provides medicare rebates for allied health services, for people who have a chronic medical condition. You may be eligible to claim a rebate through medicare for these services if you have a chronic condition that is being managed by your GP under an Enhanced Primary Care Plan. A chronic medical condition is one that has been or will be present for at least 6 months. The EPC provides a maximum of 5 total rebates per calendar year for all Allied Health services. This means that if you are accessing more than one Allied Health service, you are entitled to 5 rebates across all of the services combined, not 5 rebates per service.
How do I access the Enhanced Primary Care Plan?
Your GP will decide if you are eligible for these services and will refer you where appropriate. For further information, please contact your GP.
Tip 4: Ask the Speech Pathologist or the School which of the PLD programs are relevant to you child's needs. Once children are within primary schools and are being presented with a literacy program, there are many PLD programs that children will benefit from. Without knowing specific information on the child's development and needs, it is difficult to suggest which programs are appropriate. Once seeing a speech pathologist, suggestions from the PLD range can be made direct from that speech pathologist.
Updated on: 21/02/2020
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