Articles on: SSP Kits

Can I purchase Daily Reviews and/or the manuals (individual parts) of the Integrated SSP kita separately?

The SSP Kit components are not sold separately Unfortunately, even though PLD is asked about this often, the only way to access the high-demand items in the Integrated Kits (i.e. the manuals and the digital screen display resources/Daily Reviews) is through the purchase of the kits.

The listings on the website communicate this in RED TEXT:
The only way to purchase the high-demand items is through the purchase of a full kit or an upgraded version of the kit.

PLD recognises that some PLD schools have purchased 'starter packs' in the past, and so do not require all the contents in the kits:

The Foundation Integrated Kit has an upgraded version in which the items in the Foundation Stater Pack have been removed:
The Year 1 Integrated Kit has an upgraded version in which the one item in the Year Stater Pack has been removed:
The Year 2+ Kits will not have upgrade options, as there is no overlap with the starter pack items.

Please keep in mind, although it seems on the surface, that if teachers could access components of the kit, these components (e.g. Daily Reviews) would work well with the collection of the programs the school already has. As the developer of the SSP Kits, I have intimate knowledge of the kits, but this is not the case.

It would not be easy to integrate (for example the Daily Review display slides) with the programs the school already has.
If PLD allowed selecting elements to be distributed separately, this would also compromise the integrity and the functioning of the kits.

So, how to create your own Daily Reviews without access to the PLD Daily Review Displays within the SSP Kits? Teachers need to create their own PPT's focused upon the last 3-4 weeks of teaching.

For each group, teachers will need to include the HFW heart words.

Option 1:
Option 2: Teachers type in the words into their slides

For each group, teachers will need to include the Target Phonic Concepts:

Option 1: Use flipbooks
Option 2: The TimeSavers Range has flashcards:
Option 3: Teachers type in the phonic concepts covered over the last 3 weeks

Updated on: 21/02/2025

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