Reading Screening For Years 3-6 for Students Operating at a Junior Primary Level?

Typically, for students in Stage 3 and above: a decoding and word recognition screen is less useful.

The Early Reading Profile is a junior primary screen (or a screen for older students still operating at a junior primary level). Students in the junior primary must learn to 'crack the code' and verbalise the print by either reading aloud or silently 'inside their heads'. The ultimate goal of 'cracking the code' is so that comprehension of the content can occur. For some students comprehension is compromised because they are not accurately able to process the words on a page. This is where the profiling of stage 1 and 2 reading skills is useful using the PLD Early Reading Profile, so that appropriate decodable reading material can be presented to the students and in the process, track students through the early reading acquisition phase.

What reading screens should be used for students who are age appropriate or advanced?
As students reach Stage 3, they are typically fairly accurately 'cracking the code' within the reading process and so reading comprehension is the more appropriate area of reading to track. The progression from the PLD Early Reading Profile to middle and upper primary reading assessments should be implemented. Keep in mind that it is more difficult to locate junior primary reading comprehension assessments. The range is limited and there may be complications, until students are able to 'crack the code' at a stage 1 and 2 level.

If Students are age appropriate or advanced, then an annual standardised assessment administered in mid-November is what PLD typically recommends. More information HERE and HERE.

If students are delayed and operating at a junior primary level, PLD recommends the Early Reading Screen:
The Early Reading Screen for Years 1 &2 is in the Screening and tracking Manual on Page 16.
The Early Reading Screen for Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 is in the Screening & Tracking Manual on Page 23.
In the case that you have students operating at a junior primary level and you need to record their results, copy and rename an existing Year 2 reading profile in your school's tracking sheets.
Early Reading Screen
Regardless of where students are in the Early Reading Screen, or beyond, we recommend an age appropriate Words Read Correctly Per Minute Calculation:
Words Read Correctly Per Minute Calculation is found on Page 20 of the Years 1 & 2 and Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 Screening and Tracking Manuals.
Find more on the Words Read Correctly Per Minute Calculation HERE.

Calculating Words Correct Per Minute

Updated on: 16/11/2022

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