How do I implement dictation with a group?
Step-by-Step Process
1 || Choose a relevant passage from the PLD Dictation resource books

2 Students to put pencils down.
Teacher to read the first part of the sentence aloud. This may be 3 words to 8 words (depending on the ability of the students in that group).
Teacher repeats this section 3 times. For example,

3 Ask students to verbalise what they are going to write. For example,
Teacher: What are you going to write?
Students: The crab had a...
4 Students pick up their pencils and write the sentence.
Teacher: Write it.
5 Repeat steps 2-4, until passage has been dictated.
Pre-Recorded Dictation
Due to time constraints, you may wish to use a device to pre-record dictation. This would be recommended for those more advanced, able students.
The outline would be as above, however, you could use the following two options for timing:
With the instructions including 'press pause & start writing'
With the instructions including leaving a timed pause in the appropriate sections
Demonstration & Explanation Videos
Click on the image to view videos

Further Training
This is a short course which outlines a range of ways dictation can be delivered in the primary schools years and the benefits of regular presentation. Suggestions for presenting dictation to junior, middle or upper primary students and classes with diverse ranges in ability will be explored.

Updated on: 01/09/2022
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